Proposal Information

Your target proposals are due today. Originally I had the date set as Tuesday, but I extended the due date.

You should have all the information you need to submit a winning proposal now. The original instructions for the proposal have been posted on Blackboard under Course Documents. When working on it, please take into account the comments and thoughts provided from members of the lab associated with your APS abstract.

For submission, I would like you to learn and use DropBox or WebSpace and provide a link from your APS abstract to the digital file of the proposal (in PDF or Word format). This will keep everything neat and prevent you from having to write something that long into the blog proper. DO NOT MAKE A NEW POST. Find your abstract, edit it with a line near the top that says something like, "The full proposal has been posted on DropBox" and link "posted on DropBox" with the link to your actual file. With the file in the cloud, any changes you make to it I will be able to see in real time. This also allows you to modify and edit the file without changing the link and I will always see the most up to date file. The same file can be used for your progress report and your final report with edits, additions and comments.

Instructions for using DropBox or WebSpace have been posted. As always, if you have problems or issues, please let me know.


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